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Acceptance by undergraduates of the immediate feedback assessment technique for multiple-choice testing
David Dibattista A1, John O. Mitterer A1, Leanne Gosse, Brock University Canada, Teaching in Higher Education Volume 9, Number 1 / January 2004 pp. 17-28
Undergraduates completed a questionnaire after using the Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique (IF-AT), a commercially available answer form for multiple-choice (MC) testing that can be used easily and conveniently with large classes. This simple new technique for MC testing provides immediate feedback for each item in an answer-until-correct format and permits the earning of partial credit when the student's initial response is incorrect. Reaction to the IF-AT was extremely positive, with students saying it was easy to use and contributed to their learning, and they indicated a strong desire to use the IF-AT for all MC tests. Liking for the IF-AT was not related to either personal characteristics or test performance variables, indicating that it has broad appeal to students.  

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