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Research & Press
Below is a listing of the major news and research articles published to date on the Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique. Where available, a link has been provided to the full news article or research publication. If you are interested in having a copy of any of the below research, please feel free to
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How the IF-AT Works
Acceptance by undergraduates of the immediate feedback assessment technique for multiple-choice testing
Effective Feedback
Immediate Feedback and Assessment Technique (IF-AT) Testing Forms: An Overview of the Tool and Uses
Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique (IF-AT): Enhancing Collaborative Learning While Providing Immediate Feedback
Scratch and Win or Scratch and Lose? Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique
Student Engagement Technique: Liven Up Class Discussions with the IF-AT Form
Student Perceptions of Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique in Chemistry Courses
Students prefer the immediate feedback assessment technique
University of Delaware - IF-AT Summary
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire IF-AT Summary
Using IF-AT Cards in Principals Classes for Group Quizzes (Power Point)
Villanova Institute for Teaching and Learning IF-AT Summary
Team Based Learning (TBL)
Cultivating Ict Students’ Interpersonal Soft Skills In Online Learning Environments Using Traditional Active Learning Techniques
Does Using the Immediate Feedback - Assessment Technique (IF-AT) for Group Review Questions Improve Individual Student Test Performance
Favorable Team Scores Under the Team-Based Learning Paradigm: A Statistical Artifact?
Immediate Feedback During an Exam
Peer Instruction and IF-AT
Scratch This! The IF-AT as a Technique for Stimulating Group Discussion and Exposing Misconceptions
Team-Based Learning and the Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique in English Classes
The Least You Should Know About Team-Based Learning
The Outcomes of Using Immediate Feedback Assessment Tests (IF-AT)
Two-Stage Group Quizzes: What, How and Why
Lottery Mindset: Using an Immediate Feedback Assessment Tool to Enhance Learning in the Introductory Accounting Class
Immediate Feedback and Learning In Athletic Training Education
Enhancing Students’ Learning: Instant Feedback Cards
Multiple-Choice Testing Using Immediate Feedback—Assessment Technique (IF AT®) Forms: Second-Chance Guessing vs. Second-Chance Learning?
The Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique (IF-AT) In A Large Enrolment Introductory Organic Chemistry Course (Power Point)
Efficacy of error for the correction of initially incorrect assumptions and of feedback for the affirmation of correct responding : Learning in the classroom
Enhancing Learning in the Introductory Course
Multiple-choice question tests: a convenient, flexible and effective learning tool? A case study
Provision of Feedback during Preparation for Academic Testing: Learning Is Enhanced by Immediate but Not Delayed Feedback
Survey of Student Opinions about Using the IF-AT Form
Test anxiety and the Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique
The Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique (IF-AT). An Engaging Alternative to Standard Multiple Choice Test
The Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique: A Learner-centered Multiple-choice Response Form
The Role of Feedback during Academic Testing: The Delay Retention Effect Revisited
Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique for Geography Class
Acquisition and retention of Esperanto : The case for error correction and immediate feedback
German Fairy Tales and Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique
IF-AT For Use In Second Language
Information Gap Tasks: Immediate feedback assessment for foreign language learning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
Adjunctive role for immediate feedback in the acquisition and retention of mathematical fact series by elementary school students classified with mild mental retardation
Feedback facilitates the acquisition and retention of numerical fact series by elementary school students with mathematics learning disabilities
Multiple choice questions in mathematics
Improved Class Preparation and Learning Through Immediate Feedback in Group Testing for Undergraduate Nursing Students
Using Answer-Until-Correct Examinations to Provide Immediate Feedback to Students in a Pharmacokinetics Course
Comparison of integrated testlet and constructed-response question formats
Integrated testlets and the immediate feedback assessment technique
Physics pioneers ‘scratch-and-win’ tests
How I Did It – NEA Today
IFAT. If at First You Don't Succeed... Try, Try Again, Brock Teaching
Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique (IF-AT): Enhancing Collaborative Learning While Providing Immediate Feedback, Rama Yelkur, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
Learning From Our Mistakes: Interactive Testing That Rewards Real-Time Learning
Psychology Professors Win Regional Awards, The Rider News
Scratch & Pass – The New York Times, November 11, 2001
This is an excellent guide for any teacher who is thinking of using the IF-AT, University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management
A Systematic Evaluation of the Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique
Immediate feedback assessment technique promotes learning and corrects inaccurate first responses
Immediate feedback during academic testing
The Effects of Immediate Feedback on Reading Achievement
Adjunctive Role For Immediate Feedback In The Acquisition And Retention Of Mathematical Classified With Mild Mental Retardation
Effectiveness of feedback during the testing of preschool children, elementary school children, and adolescents with developmental delays
Feedback Facilitates Acquisition And Retention Of Numerical Fact Series
Application of the Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique (IF-AT) for Group Learning in a Therapeutics Course
The Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique (IF-AT): an innovative teaching technique for human resource management students
The Impact of the IF-AT on Course Evaluations
The Lazy Professor’s Guide to Grading: How to Increase Student Learning While Decreasing Professor Homework
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Research & Articles
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