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Students prefer the immediate feedback assessment technique
Epstein ML, Brosvic GM. Psychological Reports, 2002, 90 1136-1138
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In the study that this report was based upon, students responded to a questionnaire after completing classroom examinations using either Scantron forms or the Immediate Feedback Assessment Technique. Analysis of the students' responses yielded six scales unrelated to the students' grades on the examinations and which did not differ based on sex, course, or instructor. The results of the study indicated that the students who used the IF-AT evaluated them significantly higher (as compared to the students evaluating the use of Scantron forms) on scales measuring all of the following:

· ease of understanding;
· ease of completing the response requirements;
· perceived fairness of an answer-until-correct procedure
· preference for an answer-until-correct procedure; and
· enhanced student involvement in the test-taking process.

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