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History of the IF-AT   |    Mike Epstein   |   Beth Epstein
History of the IF-AT

From Beth and Mike Epstein:

Mike Epstein

Beth Epstein

Mike and I developed the IF-AT during a grouching session we had in the car one evening after school. We were on the way to a restaurant for dinner since we were too tired to cook that particular night. How unfair, we agreed, were multiple choice tests that were not sensitive enough to reward a student who was able to eliminate all but two responses. Were there not differences in knowledge between those students who guessed and those who were able to narrow their choices? We also remembered how frustrating it was to take a test and never see precisely where we were right or wrong!
It was at that time that Mike’s research project was born.

He and collaborators now have over 15 publications in print or in press on the IF-AT. In addition, dozens of other educators have published or presented at conferences their own research on the IF-AT.

Colleagues began asking to buy their own test forms. As academics we “backed into” business. Word of the IF-AT spread to what are now over 1,000 institutions including public schools, colleges, medical schools, and even police academies across the U.S., Canada and over twelve other countries. Interest from the publishing and test preparation communities has been increasing as well. This baby grew in spite of us!

After being granted a copyright, a trademark, and two patents, we saw that we couldn’t do it all and also do justice to our teaching schedules. We are happy to announce that we now have two enthusiastic and above all knowledgeable businessmen who will be able to assist you in facilitating your orders, answering your questions, implementing the IF-AT, and making the assessment process a little less stressful that it too often is.

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