Dr. Epstein is a leading authority on learning and memory and has been a longstanding Professor of Psychology at Rider University , (1971 – Present, Chair 1987 – 1999). He received a B.S. in Psychology, a B.A. in Zoology, and a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Washington .
Throughout his career, he has published in numerous professional publications, and has presented at many workshops and conferences. In addition, he is a past recipient of the Lindback Award for Outstanding Teaching as well as the American Psychological Association Award for Outstanding Teaching of Psychology Posters.
At Rider Dr. Epstein teaches the major requirements of Learning and Memory as well as the History of Psychology. Dr. Epstein also teaches Introductory Psychology and supervises student research projects. Recently, Dr. Epstein's interests have shifted from theoretical aspects of cognition and information processing to developing methods for improving learning and retention.

Contact Information:
Dr. Michael L. Epstein and Beth B. Epstein Princeton, NJ Phone: (609) 915-1229