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TestMaker Help

Signing In

1.         Sign in by typing in your User name (generally your email address) and password

2.         Once you are signed in, you will be at your main My Tests page.  This page lists all of the tests you have previously created with the Test Maker.

Creating a New Test

1.         To create a new test, click the orange, Create a New Test button located at the top left of the screen.

2.         You will be prompted to enter a Test Name (this will print at the top of your test and will be how the Test Maker will identify this test for you on your My Tests page.

3.         After you have entered a Test name, select create test.

4.         You will be prompted to enter any instructions you may wish printed on the test.  Note that these instructions will print at the top of each page of the test.

5.         Next click the orange Add New Question button.  You will then be able to enter your first Question.

6.         Under the field for the Question is the space provided to enter the correct answer for the question.

7.         After entering the correct answer, there are spaces for up to four incorrect answers.  Please note that you should only have a total of 4 or 5 answers depending on the IF-AT form you are using for your test.

8.         Once the question is complete, you can either Save it (which will then show you all the questions you have made on the test so far), Save and Make a New Question or Cancel.

9.         Repeat the above steps to create new questions until you have completed the test.


Inserting a Picture

At any point in the test there is an option to Insert an Image either underneath a question or underneath a given answer choice.

1.         To insert an image, Click on insert image located to the right of the question or the answer choice that you wish to have the image appear underneath.

2.         You will now have the option to insert an image you have already uploaded to your account, or you can upload a new image from your computer.  If the image is already uploaded, simply select the image.

3.         To upload a new image, click add a new image.

4.         Select browse which will bring up a box that says IF-AT image upload- click browse.

5.         Once you have found on your computer the picture you wish to upload, click on such picture and then select the “Next” button, which will upload the picture to the Test Maker.

6.         Once the picture is uploaded, you will have the opportunity to crop the image.  Once the image cropped as you like it, select the “Finish” button.  You will then have the opportunity to either select Cancel, to cancel the image or Add to My Images.

7.         Once an image has been added, you can select it for use on your test.


Previewing your Test

At any time, you can preview the test you are working on by clicking on the Preview button in the upper right hand corner.  Please note that before you preview a test, make sure you save whatever question you are working on.  While previewing a test, you have the option of seeing the correct answers by selecting the Show Answers button.


Re-ordering your Questions

At any time you can re-order your questions.  To do so, select the Edit button.  You will see a complete list of your questions.  Go to the question you want to re-order and select the number in the box under the move column corresponding to where you would like the question moved.  Then select the move button.



You can print your test at any time.  Click the Print button at the upper right hand corner of the screen.

1.         The Test Maker will then request that you select how many questions and answers your test will have (it will put a yellow star by the form type it recommends).  You do not have to choose what it recommends.

2.         Select the type of form you choose.

3.         The Test Maker will then prompt you to enter the IF-AT form # you want to use, and once entered, click Create Test. (The IF-AT form # is located at the bottom right hand corner of each IF-AT form).

4.         Select the print option you wish to print from.  There are three different print options.  You can print from Microsoft Word (or Word Perfect), from a PDF file or from your Browser.  We strongly recommend that you print from Microsoft Word (or Word Perfect) as this will provide you with the maximum flexibility when formatting your test.  Please pay careful attention to the page breaks on your test.  You may have to manually adjust the spacing on your test to insure all of each question is on the same page.  

5.         If you want to make a second copy of a test using a different IF-AT Form #, select the print button again and repeat the above listed steps.


How to Share your Tests with other TestMaker Users

  • The TestMaker allows you to share any or all of the tests in your TestMaker account with other designated TestMaker users. No TestMaker user will be able to view your shared tests unless you specifically give them permission by designating them within your account.

  • You have the option to share all of your tests, some of your tests, or none of your tests. To share a test, select the “Share” button on the menu at the top of the page. Once on the “Share” page, the page indicates whether sharing is either enabled or disabled. You should select the option you prefer. If you select disabled, none of your tests will be shared. If you select enabled, you will be able to share your tests with the other users you designate.

  • Once you have enabled sharing, you must specify which test or tests are to be shared. (The TestMaker only shares those specific test or tests that you designate). To share a designated test, select the “My Tests” link at the top of the page. Once on the “My Tests” page, the listing of your tests shows which tests are currently shared. If there is a check in the shared column for a specific test, that test is shared. If no check, then the test is not shared. To change the shared status of a test, select the “Edit” link for such test. Once on the “Edit” page, in the upper right hand corner, there is a space entitled “Share Settings” in which you can designate whether to “Share this test” or “Do not share”. You are able to change the shared status of any of your tests at any time.

Merging Tests in your TestMaker account

  • The TestMaker allows you to merge together any tests you have in your individual TestMaker account. To merge two of your tests, go to the “My Tests” page of your account. Select the “Edit” option for the test that you wish to merge another test into (the “Original Test”. Once you are on the Edit page for the Original Test, you will see a link above the questions entitled “Merge Tests”. Select this link. This will take you to another page with a drop down menu that list all of the other tests in your TestMaker account. Simply select the test you wish to merge into the Original Test (the “Merged Test”, and select the “Merge Tests” button. The questions from the Merged Test will be added to the bottom of your Original Test. Please note that the Merged Test will continue exist as a separate test on your “My Tests” page, even though a copy of each of the questions from the Merged Test were added to the end of the Original Test. Once the questions have been added to the end of the Original Test, you can re-order the questions of the Edit page.

  • It is important to note that IF-AT forms are only available with a maximum of 50 questions. Although you may merge more than 50 questions together in one test, your printed test will only show the top 50 questions.

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