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IF-AT Frequently Asked Questions

If you have additional questions about the IF-AT system which were not answered here, please contact us .

1. Question: What are the primary ways for the IF-AT system to be used?

Classroom Assessment: The IF-AT can be used as a substitute for the commonly used Scantron forms on the multiple-choice portion of an exam. The IF-AT not only assesses students’ knowledge, it also teaches them as they take the test.  As a result, students walk away from the test with knowledge rather than misconceptions, helping to improve both learning and retention of the material. With Scantron forms, students walk away from the test without knowing whether they were right or wrong, and thus increase their chances of repeating mistakes – as proven through published research.

Test Preparation: The IF-AT immediately replaces misconceptions with knowledge during the multiple-choice exercise, thus helping test candidates learn and retain the information more effectively during test preparation. Students can use the IF-AT during practice exams to more accurately assess their understanding of the material. For example, a test candidate who consistently scratches more than once during test preparation is given a clear message that he/she needs to spend more time studying the material before the exam. 

In addition, the IF-AT forces test candidates to actively reason through mistakes on their own and prevents them from “being told” the correct answers in the back of the book. Active involvement allows students to take responsibility for their own learning and helps them retain information more effectively. 

The IF-AT can be an effective test preparation tool for exams such as:

High Stakes Standardized State Tests (K-12)
College and Graduate School Entrance Exams
(SAT, PSAT, ACT, LSAT, GRE, GMAT and many others)
High School Advanced Placement (AP) Exams
Professional Licensing Exams
Corporate Training Exams
Normal Classroom and Final Exams (K-12 and College)
(The IF-AT can be included with end-of-chapter practice tests)
and many others!

Team Based Learning. The IF-AT system has seen wide use by educators using Tem Based Learning. Team learning or team-based learning (TBL) is a well-defined instructional strategy developed by Dr. Larry K. Michaelsen that is now being used successfully in various educational fields.

The TBL method allows a single instructor to teach through conducting multiple small groups simultaneously in the same classroom. Learners must actively participate in and out of class through preparation and group discussion. Class time is shifted away from learning facts and toward application and integration of information. The instructor retains control of content, and acts as both facilitator and content expert. The team learning method affords the opportunity for assessment of both individual and team performance.

For information on how the IF-AT is used in conjunction with Team Based Learning, please select the following link:
Team Based Learning

2. Question: When used in classroom assessment, how are the individual tests scored?

Answer: Currently, students and teachers use the spaces on the right side of the test form to keep a running total of their scores. Scoring is determined by the instructor at his/her discretion. For example, 5 points awarded for answering correctly on the first attempt, 3 points awarded for answering correctly on the second attempt, and so on. EEE is exploring a “scannable” version of the IF-AT as well as software to analyze the scanned data.

3. Question: How do I align my test questions to the pre-printed answer keys on the IF-AT forms?

Answer: Accompanying the IF-AT forms is an answer key for each version of the test form. To apply this system to a set of questions - whether a test, quiz, study guide, or exercise – simply arrange a list of questions and answer options according to the IF-AT form being used. A key for each pre-printed version of the IF-AT form will be provided to instructors - identifying the correct answer location for each question. The number at the bottom of the form identifies the particular version being used.

Epstein Education has had a computerized TestMaker developed to assist instructors in preparing their tests. Each instructor using the IF-AT can get a secure individual account in which to create and store their tests. When ready to give a test, the instructor enters the IF-AT form number or numbers that he/she wishes to use, and the TestMaker scrambles the answers to his/her test to match the pre-printed IF-AT answer forms that the instructor is going to use. The TestMaker is free of charge and available over the internet.

For more information on the IF-AT Testmaker, please visit TestMaker for IF-AT

4. Question: How many answer versions do I receive when I order the IF-AT?

Answer: Currently, answer versions are packaged in sizes of 250 forms. The minimum order size is 500 forms which includes 2 different answer versions, (250 per packet). Other standard orders come in sizes of 1,000, 2,000, 5,000 and 10,000. Customized ordering is also available as well as licensing arrangements. For more information on customized orders and licensing, please contact us .

5. Question: How much does the IF-AT cost?

Answer: Prices for customized orders and licensing arrangements are determined at the time of sale. For prices for standard orders, please select the following link to our ordering page  (which does not initiate an order!) which has information on pricing and has images of all available IF-AT forms.

6. Question: How many versions and formats of the IF-AT are currently available?

Answer: Currently there are 5 different standard formats available. For images of each available IF-AT form, please select the following link to our ordering page  (which does not initiate an order!)

7. Question: Do the IF-AT forms have a Shelf Life?

Answer: Epstein Educational Enterprises guarantees IF-AT forms for two years from the date of delivery to a customer. We also recommend keeping IF-AT forms out of UV light and away from heat in order to prolong their shelf life.


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